On the matter of things other organisations have put in place to ensure my needs are met.

Dear RBH,

Since you ask for specific examples, let me break this down for you as simply as I can.

When I explained to Blue Chula that I needed to discuss things in writing with one point of contact, this is what they did:

Provided one person who could speak to me by email.

Talked to me by email using the format I'd requested (quoting me and replying to what I'd said).

Behaved in a friendly, open manner whilst retaining an appropriate level of professionalism.

Treated me like a person, as though they were face-to-face with me.

Treated me as an individual. Treated me as an equal.

Discussed things with me.

Listened to my concerns.

Responded to each of my questions and concerns.

Explained things when I asked them to.

Gave me examples and links to relevant information published by others, to further my knowledge.

Actively engaged me and actively sought my opinion.

Respected my opinion and took me seriously.

Gave me information and data I asked for.

Gave me clear timescales.

Gave me enough time to reply.

Kept me updated if necessary while I replied.

Blue Chula had an actual dialogue and conversation with me, with a discussion going back and forth over several months, by email.

Here is what Blue Chula didn't do (and what RBH has done):

Patronise me.

Treat me like I am an annoying nuisance.

Tell me that I was taking up too much of their time.

Make me wait an age for a reply.

Continually suggest doing things differently.

Continually suggest that I meet in person.

Change the format of replies to something I hadn't requested.

Put replies in a table making a conversation impossible.

Cherry-pick what they replied to.

Constantly place the onus on me to contact them and chase things up.

Continually bring up my partner.

Include my partner in our conversation.

Just assume that I know nothing.

Just completely ignore me.

Just reply once and then ignore me.

Just ‘note my comments’.

Just refer me to the FAQ.

Just give me press-release replies.

Just behave like a faceless robot.

Blue Chula didn't just talk AT me, they talked TO me.

This is how I felt as a result:

I felt like I mattered.

I felt like they cared about what I had to say.

I felt like they were genuinely seeking my opinion.

I felt like I had been actively engaged and involved in a process.

I felt like I’d had a discussion and conversation with a real person.

I felt, and still feel, genuinely grateful for their work and effort in involving me meaningfully.

RBH employed Blue Chula.

I helped design the Residents’ Charter survey with Blue Chula.

I wasn't even invited by RBH to complete the survey I helped design.

Apologies to Blue Chula for bringing them into this. Irony aside, I could have used another organisation to illustrate my example, but, with respect to meeting my communication needs, Blue Chula has honestly done the best job I’ve ever had the pleasure of receiving and they are officially occupying my top-spot right now.

This is all the more impressive knowing that they are a small company. Their exemplary work deserves recognition. This is individually tailored engagement and communication for someone with autism at its finest folks, do take note!

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